Friday, October 29, 2010

Learning how to work with your physician

Today I visited my friend who is a Naturopath, he also works in a vitamin store and people call him on the phone and ask him questions about their health needs. Often the people have a hard time expressing what the problem is or expecting a phone diagnosis to cure something like dizziness which may or may not require a trip to the Neurologist.

It could be that people are impatient. Sometimes they just want to take a pill. They have no idea why they should, they just have gotten used to being told to take for example a blood thinner, but don't want to understand why their blood needs to be thinned.

The patient is for the most part not expected to ask too many questions or the doctor is never expected just sit there and listen to the patient. But what if that were the normal way patient intake was done? Just food for thought.

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